Tekst i zdjęcie: Browny - Srebrny Szef Kuchni (2650)

Mazurek in cocoa glaze

Mazurek in cocoa glaze

na Wielkanoc


wanilia, 1 szczypta

kakao, 2 dag

soda oczyszczona, 1 szczypta

mleko, 3 szkl.

---, 2 szt.

cukier, 30 dag

smalec, 3 dag

margaryna, 3 dag

masło, 9 g

mąka , 25 dag

Sposób przygotowania:

Chop the fat into flour, mix with sugar, add egg yolks and eggs, knead, making fairly dense cake. Divide dough into three parts, roll giving a rectangular shape. Arrange on plate, carefully align all sides. The remainder of the dough form in shafts of equal thickness, cut them strictly according to the length of the sides of the rectangle of dough. Brush the edges of the dough with whites, impose there on the rollers of dough, lightly press to stick. Shape them as usual at the mazurek.Bake cake in a well heated oven for a golden color. Prepare glaze: Boil milk, add a little soda, add sugar, stirring boil on a strong fire and then fry them slowly on the edge of the kitchen, stirring not to singe. When the syrup is very thick, so that drop once set on a plate retains a spherical shape is not pouring in, add the butter, fry briefly, add cocoa, mix and boil. If it get thick too far, add a few drops of boiling water, mix. Immediately pour the prepared glaze on the baked cake, spread quickly and evenly, chill. Decorate with drained cherries, orange peel, almonds, etc. Make vanilla icing as stated above, without the addition of cacao.